Membership/Membership Retention
Marketing and Promotion – Awareness of Chamber
- Recognizing the need and discovering ways to have a large and involved membership that will understand the value of Chamber membership.
- Working on the retention of our current members by better marketing of the Chamber: helping our members, the community, and the region better understand the role of the Chamber and helping them understand that much of what we do positively affects their businesses but is not always visibly tangible.
- Getting the schools more involved with our membership and the Chamber.
- Communicating and enhancing the resources of the Chamber to both the members and the community at large.
- Defining membership for a better understanding of benefits.
- Continuing to create additional benefits and added value to membership in the Chamber.
Dues Structure
- Secure financial independence. The risk associated with 65% of our budget relying on the success of events means that when one event is not well attended or is rained out, the Chamber takes heavy financial hits. We need other non-due revenue streams that are steady and consistent.
- Examine and study the dues structure. Dues account for only 35% of our budget and have only been raised 3 times in 19 years. However, a new dues schedule could change everyone’s dues dramatically, either up or down. This is a large task that must be weighed carefully.
- Collaborate with other community organizations on fundraising events.
- Develop a system for timely dues collection.
- Develop opportunities to save money or make money through better use of technology. For example, sending the newsletter through email and social media saves the Chamber thousands of dollars.
- Enhance the benefits of our website. Look into opportunities to upgrade the site that will attract more attention for our members and the Chamber, such as an enhanced community calendar. Make our website more user friendly.
- Enhance efficiency through the use of technology in the Chamber office to allow the Executive Director more time to meet with membership.
Events & Programs
- Activate all committees again to assist our businesses with the ever-growing need for employees. Keep an open line of communication between businesses and our schools about current and future needs in Montevideo. Educate the educators about businesses here so they can educate our students.
- Create programs, seminars, and events to retain our youth in the community.
- Develop a leadership and youth leadership program within the Chamber.
- Define missions and goals of committees so they are committed. Re-evaluate meeting times to better meet the volunteer’s needs and availability.
- Events need to be more focused and streamlined. Can there be fewer, but larger, events that will benefit everyone?
On-Going Goals of the Chamber of Commerce
- Staff Keeping an Aggressive and Innovative Attitude
- Developing More Value in Membership
- Visibility of the Chamber
- Commitment by Board Members in the Success of the Chamber
- Develop New Relations with other Groups and Committees
- Becoming More Organized and Detail Oriented
- Personal Visits by the Executive Director and the Board of Directors
- Time Management – Measuring Staff’s Time as Part of the Event/Project Expense
- More Utilization of the Board of Directors
- Continued Strong Board Communication