The Montevideo Area Chamber of Commerce serves over 175 members and their employees.

We offer opportunities to volunteer, network, promote your business, get involved with your communities’ future, attend social events, and expand your interests and experiences.
We sponsor a wide variety of programs and events each year and have numerous active committees and project committees to meet the needs of the community.
Look at the opportunities waiting for you at the Chamber!
Chair: Cheri Cronen-Hughes, Co-Op Credit Union
Board Liaison: Brenda Bristle, Dana F. Cole
The Admirals are the public relations arm of the Chamber. These dedicated volunteers assist with the yearly membership drive, provide liaison services to committees for events and coordinate monthly Business After Hours. The Admirals are also responsible for presenting the following awards throughout our community: Grand Opening, Ribbon Cutting, Ground Breaking, and First Dollar.
Agriculture Committee
Chair: Kelly Lindeman, Prudential
Board Liaison: Steve Grages, Edward Jones Financial
The Agriculture Committee ensures open communications between the business, agri-business, and agricultural communities and supports any and all endeavors that will be beneficial to these groups as a whole. The Agriculture Committee will also strive to recruit agricultural related entities to become active members of the Chamber, as we are a community rich in agriculture based assets.
Convention & Visitors Bureau (CVB)
Chair: Donna Krueger
Board Liaison: Dustin Citrowske
The Convention and Visitors Bureau is a division of the Chamber of Commerce and was formed to promote the City of Montevideo as a tourism, convention and meeting center. The CVB actively pursues new avenues to bring Montevideo to the attention of tourists, conventioneers, and our own community members as a beautiful place full of historic treasures and traditions, outdoor recreation and local artists.
Government Affairs Committee
Chair: City of Montevideo
Board Liaison:
The Government Affairs Committee determines and assesses legislative priorities, works closely with city, county, state and national public officials to inform them of our objectives and to obtain their assistance in meeting our legislative goals, and provides educational opportunities for Chamber members on issues that affect their business.
Montevideo Arts Project

The most recent of committees, this group works to promote local art and create opportunities to enrich the area with new works of public art.
Check out the MAP face book page; or call the Chamber for more info.
Montevideo Retail/Business Community Group
Chair: Mary Rasmussen, Old National Bank
Board Liaison: Tesa Siverhus-Maus
The Retail Service and Business Development Committee is the core group focused on keeping our retail and commercial businesses strong and recruiting additional businesses to our community. They keep a current comprehensive inventory of vacant commercial buildings with information on rent or purchase prices available for potential new or expanding businesses. The committee has a group rich in experience and expertise and can serve as a resource to area businesses. The committee continues to promote and expand the Chamber Incentive Program for new and expanding businesses.
Chamber of Commerce Programs & Events
- Advertising: Chamber offers numerous advertising opportunities in different media forms to help promote all our member businesses.
- Annual Meeting: Opportunity to meet new Board members, learn about the new goals set by the Board and hear community leaders discuss the close relationships we have formed to build a better community foundation.
- Ag Scholarship: Scholarships given in various amounts to students pursuing careers in Ag related fields or careers that will bring them back to our rural areas.
- Business After Hours: Held typically the first Monday of the month to promote one of our local member businesses and to create a social setting to network with fellow Chamber members.
- Butterfly Ball: An entertaining evening of dancing, cookies and punch for young ladies and their favorite escort.
- St. Patty’s Day Parade: Held every year on St. Patrick’s Day.
- Easter Egg-Citment: Held every year on Easter Saturday.
- Crazy Days: Crazy good sales and bargains abound. Crazy Days is held the first Thursday, Friday and Saturday in August.
- Trick or Treat Street: Held on Main Street at 5-6:30 p.m. October 31, or on the Friday before if it lands on the weekend.
- Annual Fundraiser: Annual dinner, entertainment and auction event.
- Love Local Holiday Lighted Parade: Annual Lighted Holiday Parade and Santa’s arrival are just a few of the events you’ll find in Montevideo during the holidays, as well as excellent shopping. Held on the Thursday after Thanksgiving.
- Internet Website: Chamber hosts the Montevideo website with a community wide calendar and an opportunity for members to advertise.
- Legislative Forum: Forum for legislators and/or candidates to inform our community about issues facing our community, followed by questions from our audience.
- Mailing Labels: Members receive our membership directory in mailing label format.
- Membership Directory: The membership directory is categorized by business types and also alphabetized by business names. Updated monthly to guarantee the most current information is inserted and to give all new members the ability to utilize this benefit immediately.
- Newsletter: Produce a monthly newsletter to keep members updated on a host of issues and events.
- Seminars: Seminars on pertinent topics and issues that our members and their employees face.
- Travel Information: Chamber provides a vast variety of information on Montevideo as well as every major community in Minnesota and each state in the nation.